What does Remote Work, Gaming, a potential Country on the Internet / digital nomad safety net and Immigration all have in common? we're going to find out ourselves this Wednesday in an unusual panel that's a follow up to a previous talk between just Munly and Abhay Mishra from Kaamwork for newbie remote workers. Recording of the talk below
We will have a diverse group of interests for this. For western remote workers especially tech types who are often gamers. we'll be talking more about how India's tech scene is now booming with at nearly double digit unicorns now being born entirely in India without going to the US first. Is it now the time for westerners to consider working remotely for Indian top tier tech companies and does it looks like this will be the way to collaborate with the best minds India has to offer? on the traditional flip side for India, for the IIT/NIT pedigree that make up much of Kaamwork's client base we have Tahmina Watson who can answer both US immigration and onsite questions. She can also outline the current depressing and backwards state of US immigration and why desis or their friends and family shouldn't think anyone has "failed" in America right now. Munly can also talk about how many of Balance's playerbase are already remote workers and some collaborations that have already happened outside of gaming and digital nomads can have a chance/second chance to ask Safety Wing about what they are doing with this whole "country on the internet" thing if you were unable to attend Nomad Summit this year.
As part of this event we also have 3x $30 Safetywing gift certificates to give away for those who BOTH register for this event and on Balance's email list as well as a FREE massive bundle of data science, machine learning and math books courtesy of the folks from tech and scientific publisher Springer for EVERYONE who signs up. The books are available individually on Springer's site but we've saved you all some time and trouble and zipped them all up HERE. Available while Springer's promotion lasts. Examples of some the books in the bundle include:
- A Beginner’s Guide to R - Alain Zuur, Elena N. Ieno, Erik Meesters
- Computer Vision - Richard Szeliski
- Statistics and Data Analysis for Financial Engineering - David Ruppert, David S. Matteson
- An Introduction to Machine Learning - Miroslav Kubat
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning - Charu C. Aggarwal
and more.
For both the Indian and gaming audiences, we have a treat for the next event where we'll be talking to a Balance member who is the founder of the Game Designers Network India that helps fund and support Indian game developers to break into the US market and hopefully an Indian game developer to be confirmed at a later date. Please sign up for our list and keep an eye on our website/socials/discord for the announcement when ready. We periodically drop news faster on those channels as they occur :)
Sam Classen is the head of growth for SafetyWing.com - Health insurance for digital nomads and remote workers. Aspiring to extend further into "a country on the internet"
Abhay Mishra is co-founder and growth at Kaam.Work - Remote jobs platform with AI assisted job profile and placement management with offices in both San Francisco and Bangalore.
Munly Leong is the CEO and co-founder of Balance Gaming Network - "Winners in games. Winners in life". A gaming community and membership site/store for gamers who struggle to balance demanding lives with gaming as well as find others to play with "late" into a game's lifecycle well past release date. At the same time Balance also encourages & offers opportunities to optimise/"lifehack" for more efficient gaming time spent and "real world value" i.e. via professional networking and matchmaking relevant for both real life and gaming.
Watson Immigration Law - Founded by Tahmina Watson, attorney and also author of the book The Startup Visa, WIL is an immigration law firm that specializes in.supporting entrepreneurs, investors, employee transfers and business expansions to the United States