We're still alive! Covid-19 hasn't taken us down or anything but it has been a long time since the last update.
In the past few months, we've been talking to more investors, taken on some dev work and Yang's dropped out and of course Coronavirus. Key points on where we go from here below
*********** GAMING IS ABOUT TO COMMENCE *************
Starting with Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition, Lara Croft Temple of Osiris (4 player co-op) which was free this weekend on Steam and today and tomorrow and Division 2 Warlords of New York. Anno 1800 for the strategy/city builder gamers may also be something that I (Munly) will pick up and do something around as it seems particularly well suited for multiplayer and Balance's slightly older and more professional demographic
At this point we are bootstrapping on some dev work which is all a bit precarious currently which has slowed us down in making progress on something more scalable with network effects, we arent sure if we'll need to postpone this part until we finish up what we are doing dev wise to focus more on the metrics that investors look for. We're not funded in growth mode yet so we're not promising this is something we can properly support or keep going yet, just trying to get some movement from our personal gaming where it overlaps for now.
Please check our discord as that's where we're hanging out / organizing. We have some giveaways from new operator/seller lazynerdsdesigns.com when the updates on the slideshow are ready.
Other news
Travel offerings, of course they are all sidelined for now but we're leaving the info page up so people at least know of the option. Thailand so far has been safer, more ordered and without the shortages and racial problems in the west.
Yang game will still be worked on up till the proof-of-concept level as planned but just a tad lower priority. Given the current #emergencyUBI momentum and the Yang Gang largely holding together, Yang's new Humanity Forward direction and looking like a prophet and a hero right now, there is still an interest in seeing a game that maybe now plays out more as a fantasy "what if" had the campaign continued forwards and won.
Skyworth has only recently reopened for business post virus/new year's and are not back up to full speed yet. We apologize to those still waiting on either firmware support or shipments. Global shipping is another mess right now on top of company delays
Lastly PAX South pictures at the end of this post, it went okay for us. We'd like to have been better prepared and fortunately the postponements and cancellations of things like GDC and SXSW in the near future will give us more time to prep later
Facebook is better for more frequent and also off the cuff updates + memes etc, dont forget to like us there as well