Updated : Sep 2020, after Hurricane Sally
Win $3000+ 50g gold coins! (based on LBMA market value gold prices) Additionally we may pay YOU to play some terrible games at our #EffGC ;) tournaments! and Bison dollars??!!! READ ON.
In light of the SE Asia vs US Qualifier testing we've done recently as well as recent performance issues in the Capcom Pro Tour and concerns over lag switch cheating, we've decided to completely revamp our format entirely but not give up on holding an event entirely.
On the plus side, Fightcade and older games were quite playable internationally that we'll also have a Discord casual event that we're calling "A Celebration of Fighting Games" including all kinds older fighting games for different reasons (aka good, bad and the ugly) while also compensating for the recently announced EVO cancellation. We're definitely about loving ALL fighting games and not only "legitimate" games that are played competitively. We'd also like the opportunity to announce a new acronym and hashtag for this right here. The #FGE - For Fighting Game Enthusiasts. Less Shaming More Gaming.
In a nutshell, we'll be running qualifiers only for Americans first for small prizes to minimize all of the above issues and also not be pushing the competitiveness of the event too seriously. Another upside benefit of the new format is that there'll be more chances to play a pro than there were before and this is not restricted to just finalists anymore.
More good news is that none of the prizes have changed and we're talking to even more sponsors the prize pools are only going to get better and more accessible we hope! All the more serious prizes will be moved to a future in-person invitational event (under a more pros vs pros theme) with circumstances we can better control for fair and true competitive play with only players and organizers attending.
General viewing at the invitational will be livestreamed with some special world-first circumstances we are still arranging to be announced at a later wave.
Season Qualifiers (minimum 5 weeks, may run for up to 10-12 until invitational)
Minimum of 5 weeks with a rough cap of 8 players per week. The cap can be adjusted upwards over time but we are looking to minimise no-show possibilities and will keep things fairly low because of that.
Each bracket will be approximately 8 Joes, who will face off against a REGIONAL level pro player at the end. If the Joe wins, we'll gladly extend an invitation to the future invitational tournament to play for more serious prizes where online connections cannot hamper play experience. Matches will be First to 3, single elimination. The pro fight will also be first to 3.
Finalists of each Joe tournament will receive prizes out of a small prize pool worth approximately between $50-100 USD / $400 in "Bison Dollars" ;) (likely Steam/PSN/XBL credit) PLUS additional benefits/free stuff that ALL entrants will receive. We may be the only or one of the few events that are not relying on participant money to build prize pools and give you more than the entry fee in value. See Prizes & Benefits below for details.
We're DEFINITELY working on some kind of ongoing event currency to be earned and spent throughout the event to go along with the whole Bison Dollar joke :)

We plan to run roughly one game worth of qualifiers depending on signups which may also move around the schedule depending on how quickly we fill the minimum 8. The above image is a rough example of what each week would look like with the initial batch intended to be a bit easier/regional + Happy not playing his best games XD to start with while we build things up. There will be at least one more chance to qualify at another date. Harder, national level guys may come later!
See our Pros / Sponsors page for more info on our Featured pros and their accomplishments.
Note - We are also looking to add Mortal Kombat and possibly Dragonball FighterZ if we can find pros for them too.
Additionally, an additional stronger regional level player will function as a "hidden boss" during each tournament and will "Here comes a new challenger!" any random players they find interesting or playing particular point for additional prizes. Hidden bosses revealed so far...
If you are already a regular tournament competitor and have a verifiable competitive record, please contact us separately. We may run separate qualifiers for you guys if there are enough people. The main focus of Pros vs Joes is to give first time / non competitors a chance and what is a unique one-time experience in their lives

We'll also photoshop end fight World Warrior style screenshots with bad quotes for everyone that plays a pro depending on outcome similar to the above.
BONUS GAME! The #EFFGC Tournament! Open to ALL internationally (Because GGPO)
Tying in with our celebration of fighting games event as well, we'd like to offer random entrants to chance to be PAID just to play! in a tournament of some of the more awful games we'll be having fun with via the Celebration Casuals. The kinds of games that are more fun when drunk with fighting game skill or ability being entirely optional :D
The amount will be as little as some of the more insulting finisher prizes (i.e. $20 for top 8) offered by other events if we can arrange this. We'll definitely be playing this for laughs and also to make a statement about the way the competitive fighting scene has been organized to-date. Please join our Discord's fighting game channel to stay up-to-date. We'll do the online for laughs and maybe a more serious in-person event at the invitational listed below. For some of these games it will probably be the first AND last time they'll have ever been played seriously or competitively haha.
Invitational / Finals Event
Approx 30 total participants, COVID checks / good health certificates will be enforced.
Invitational (in person event) - The theme of this event will be more "pro vs pro" event and run at a more typical e-sports competitive level with invites extended to Joes that were able to win throughout the qualifiers. FGC veterans that are not already on our invite list may request an invitation for this too.
This is where we put all the serious prizes under circumstances we can control such as Zaner's $1800 Gold Coins. We may have some world-first tech from BRK could be used for interactive viewing here. This will happen approximately mid-late September 2020. Both national and regional level pros will be invited.
This will be a first to 10 wins per match tournament with a lead margin of 2 required to "close out" to win. No losers brackets with a high enough # of matches for both players to more than get used to each other and/or the online conditions if do somehow end up doing this online.

The image above will always include the latest reveal. EDIT - image needs updating
Prizes & Benefits
Wave 1 - Zaner Digital and Gold Rush Token
Benefits - Things EVERY entrant gets at their appropriate fee level. We're aiming to offer more value than what people pay. For example at the $10 level, in addition to the choice of approx $10 value in game codes, there is already more then $10 of crypto value for participants. Zaner Digital will be offering $5 of either Tron (TRX) or Cardano (ADA) tokens free for entrants in addition to signups AND a free ebook of an old classic ($20 print version) 76 Rules of Trading "How Young Millionaires Trade Commodities" while Gold Rush is offering for $3 of real gold AND $3 of TGRT tokens with entry into a draw of their own clean gold coin a year from now from their own mines.
Prizes - Stuff you have to win :) Right now these are mostly gaming related although we're very close to being able to have the $1800 gold coins sponsored enough to move down to the $10 tier for the invitational and something even better to to take it's place.
More detailed info on sponsors at our Pros & Sponsors page
The unofficial Balance "Real Life" and sponsor theme we're building for this event around the financial services, fintech or crypto. Employees w/company email get FREE $10 ENTRY which we may also upgrade later on :) Otherwise, the process is as follows.

1) Make an account at our partner platform, Bountie.io (FREE) and make a note of your Bountie handle to tell us what it is later.
Adding Casuals ($20) is optional, we've added that just in case your main motivation is to test yourself against the pros. Either for the lulz or you want a genuine competitive match. We want to keep things accessible even to play the pros since they are the main draw of the event without necessarily requiring winning competition to get playtime with them.
As stated above, we will refund the standard fee with or you can enter via emailing us your details. We will still need your details, including your Bountie account.
Rules + Terms and Conditions
- Current season is open to the US only FOR NOW. We may be able to add an asian leg to this in time.
- Must have internet speeds of 20 download/10 up minimum. You may be asked to provide a screenshot of your connection speeds.
- Must have a WIRED ethernet connection.
- Any reports of foul play such as using cheat devices or purposely lagging their connection will be investigated.
- We reserve to disqualify anyone at our discretion especially if they are hiding their regular FGC competitor status.
These event details are by no means final and we plan to keep adding to both the games and prize pools over time
For any Questions, please contact the organizer Happy_Medicine or Fathamburger on Discord
All benefits will be deployed